72x42 HR Air Bathtub
Maximum Comfort, Maximum Air Jets, Maximum Style. This 72 in. x 42 in. air bathtub is one of our best-selling models. Look carefully and you’ll notice the rectangular deck slopes downward at the edge of the bathing well, softening its shape while at the same time allowing an overhead shower in an alcove setting. Featuring an hourglass shape and features galore this beautiful tub is sure to please everyone. This tub sports molded-in armrests and a comfortable lumbar for each bather, along with 25 air injectors for true therapeutic relaxation and therapy. The custom hourglass-shaped bathing well looks great in any situation, whether alcove or island drop-in. This popular tub is truly a classic beauty that personifies the expression “pretty is as pretty does”. Don’t hesitate to order this tub if it fits your blueprint as it is sure to please.
Made in America.
Tub is shown in optional injector/ trim packages. Comes standard in color of the tub.

Features and Specs