The question we are often asked is, “are whirlpool tubs constructed to stay clean and sanitary”? YES! But only if they have rigid piping on them as all Comfortflo baths have. Any quality whirlpool will also carry the U.L. label for safety and 100% drainage, another feature all our baths carry.
Hospitals and rehabilitation facilities use hydrotherapy baths to treat a wide range of health conditions. Sanitary clean facilities and equipment are imperative in hospitals and no whirlpool appliance, hydrotherapy tub, found in a medical setting would ever be constructed using flexible tubing or hose that could trap used bath water that would re-enter the tub the next time it is used.
Having a Comfortflo whirlpool bath in one’s home is like having a therapy and massage tub available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s a great investment to make in your home and in your health. Before purchasing a whirlpool bath it is imperative that the consumer insure it has U.L. certification for electrical and proper drain down. Many manufacturers use inexpensive flex hose or tubing to plumb their baths to save money. Flex lines often hold used bath water in areas where the flexible lines sag. Trapped water is unsanitary and a great environment for bacteria to breed before re-entering the tub the next time it is used. Baths with flex hose should always be avoided.
Rigid PVC piping on whirlpools meets all requirements of the Standard and International building codes. Flex piping meets none! Water and sewer lines in homes are always constructed of rigid piping. People often ask “if flex pipe is non-conforming why do inspectors allow whirlpool baths with flex hose to be installed”? Unfortunately building inspectors can’t reject whirlpools with flex hose because by building codes the whirlpool is listed as an appliance and outside an inspector’s purview. This “loop hole” in the building codes will eventually be changed, but for now consumers have the responsibility to select a hydrotherapy bath that is safe, drains 100% and stays clean and sanitary.
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